Memberships for Organizations


If your company wants to join the extensive professional body that is CEAS, feel free to contact us.

Membership for Organizations

There are three types of memberships:
1) Membership as a Trustee Member shall be open to the constituent members and to all European Aerospace Societies recognized as the leading representative in their fields for the development of aeronautics or astronautics in their countries, as well as for the international cooperation in the aerospace sciences.

2) Membership as an Associate Member shall be open to European Aerospace Societies recognized as having made significant contributions in their fields to the development of aeronautics or astronautics in their countries, as well as to international cooperation in aerospace. Associate Members will have the intention of joining as Trustee Members.

3) Membership as a Corporate Member shall be open to any other public or private entities that are recognized as willing to support the CEAS through either direct financial support or through the provision of services in exchange for access and involvement with CEAS.

4) By exception appropriate organisations from countries without Aerospace societies may be accepted as Trustee Members or Associate Members on the understanding that they will help pursue the establishment of such Societies in their country. These memberships will be subject to annual review.

We’ll respond with additional information on how to become a corporate member, which comes with obligations and privileges, and how the procedure will be.

The board of CEAS meets three times annually to decide who can become a partner.


What does CEAS offer You?


Knowledge Transfer:
• A well-found structure for Technical Committees

High-Level European Conferences:
• Technical pan-European events dealing with specific disciplines and the broader technical aspects
• The CEAS European Air and Space Conferences: every two years, a Technical oriented Conference, and alternating every two years also, a Public Policy & Strategy oriented Conference

• Position/Discussion papers on key issues
• CEAS Aeronautical Journal
• CEAS Space Journal
• CEAS Quarterly Bulletin
• Aerospace Events Calendar –

Relationships at European Level:
• European Commission
• European Parliament
• ASD (AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe), EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency), EDA (European Defence Agency), ESA (European Space Agency), EUROCONTROL
• Other European organisations

European Professional Recognition:
• Directory of European Professionals

Honours and Awards:
• Annual CEAS Gold Medal to recognize outstanding achievement
• Medals in technical areas to recognize achievement

Young Professional Aerospace Forum:
• Students in Aerospace
