All Aerospace Events

The Council of European Aerospace Societies CEAS is one of the founding fathers that recently have established Europe’s foremost (virtual) community, called Aerospace Europe, with the aim to further the advancement of aerospace sciences and engineering in the field with an outreach to more than 41.000 professionals in the field.

The Aerospace Europe website ( is the central hub for professionals with an interest in aeronautical developments and the application of new technologies. It promotes the dissemination and exchanges of technical and scientific information at a European scale.

The hub contains the most up-to-date, to a large extend open access and highest quality interdisciplinary content from global aerospace conferences and specialists events:
• complete and up-to-date calendar of aerospace events taking place all over the word,
• searchable digital library with original copies or links to books, conference papers, presentations and journal papers,
• case studies of relevant simulation challenges, with extensive experimental and numerical databases and benchmarks.

CEAS is gradually opening access to papers presented at the CEAS Air & Space and specialists conferences by uploading the full text papers to the platform.